meatsuit mudbody

close up painting of a neck,shoudrs, lips in hot hues of orange, red, yellow, n brown by lou fuzzy 2021

meatsuit mudbody

holy earthanchor

i bow within you

we kneel and rise togther

stretch for the heavens and the dirt

my mind wanting to jump out

fiz z l e a w a y

slowly return to the cosmos.

my mind forgets it’s part of the body

the way spirit takes form in the brain

it forgot , i

the mind

shape of consciousness

tethered, jumping

bounds outside of itself

it thinks

forgetting still,

the spirit is the wings on which it rides.

my mind was not made to remember

for that we have beloved meatbodies

electrical sensorium of wonder

to discover and re-member

towards completely

for which, when we’re ready

we don’t need these perfect mudbodies

to find our way back

to the stars


on water as consciousness


on cocreation: what i know about longterm intimate relationship