HUMAN LOVERS: Duality Diamond
a 4D experiential installation by fuzzy lou elda
HUMAN LOVERS: Duality Diamond on display at RelationSpace: Queering Cosmologies of Art & Relationship group art show & experience 10/22/23
HUMAN LOVERS: duality diamond is a 4D experiential installation by fuzzy lou completed in 2023 and first shown at Relationspace: Queering Cosmologies of Art & Relationship group art show & experience.
Human Lovers: Duality Diamond
fuzzy lou elda, 2023
The Human Lovers: Duality Diamond is an exploration of transformation portals, connection within spacetime, and the nature of duality. The geometric diamond shape draws balancing oppositions (implied spectrums perhaps) between earth & ether, the seen and the unseen, physical and spiritual juxtaposed with the duality between you and me, melody and harmony, rhythm and deviance. Within the structure lives a circle, a spiral, many-sided truths. Altars use symbols to hold intention and are places to emphasize importance. In the Duality Diamond a balance is drawn between material and immaterial qualities.. in this shape Earth and Ether hold comparable presence and visibility (a concept many of us may feel disconnected to in our material-emphasized cultures). As part of the diamond and in connection with earth and ether, we take a place in the structure with another as a balancing force, also connected and of equitable importance and stature within the cycle.
The diamond is a sturdy shape made up of two opposing dualities, a crosshair of juxtaposed spectrums: you and me, earth and ether.
Spectrums are often simplified as triadic relationships —
The triad relationship of duality is also represented within the Duality Diamond: each of the 3D triangle altars is emblematic of the triad, [cultural examples of this are like the lovers of the tarot (man, woman, non-binary angel); holy trinity (father, son, holy ghost); yin, yang, and taijitu (whole); positive, negative, and neutral energy, musical triads (three notes that form natural chords ie: root 3rd & 5th degrees; three primary colors (yellow, blue, red)] - two triads pushed together makes the diamond, “as above so below” further exploring the duality within duality; the depth of which brings us closer to truer understandings of spacetime in a quantum sense. there are moments within moments within moments and each of them capable of containing the other. It is only our perception that holds them as solid certain things. shifting our perceptions, shifts our reality. Which is what the Human Lovers: Duality Diamond is an invitation toward. The 4th dimension of the piece is the experience part — the cocreation of experience by audience participation thru the medium of time.
*Human Lovers: Duality Diamond* parts defined
vertical axis = EARTH altar :: ETHER altar
horizontal axis = beginning point (person A) :: harmony point (person B)
EARTH ALTAR - a triangle prism-shaped shelf (cardboard, tape, pulped paper (old poems and artworks), gesso, water) filled with found and collected objects (each chosen to symbolize earth)
earth (n.):
1. matereality (matter-reality)
2. the substance of land as distinguished from air & water
3. the physical matter of this planet (and for which the planet is named)
altar (n.):
1. a place that holds symbolic representations of energies deemed important
2. designated portals to the spirit or energy of something, often incorporating intentioned/imbued objects and symbols
ETHER ALTAR - a hollow structure made of 4 rods and a solid wooden base that mirrors the shape of Earth Altar (wood, nails, paper, wires, thread) from which hangs different created and collected objects (each chosen to symbolize ether)
ether (n.):
1. the element the connects us to spirit & intuition
2. air that is a medium for information
3. a substance that permeates all space including matter
altar (n.):
1. a place that holds symbolic representations of energies deemed important
2. designated portals to the spirit or energy of something, often incorporating intentioned/imbued objects and symbols
BEGINNING POINT - handsewn circular poofy pillow (goldenrod-dyed jersey cotton, blue dot-textured fuzzy fabric, found lavender fabric, thread) with patchwork-style blockletters reading “SIT TO BEGIN”
beginning (n.):
1. the point in time or space at which something starts or originates
2. source or origin
begin (v.):
1. start, perform, or undergo the first part of an action or activity
2. to start to happen or exist
HARMONY POINT - handsewn circular poofy pillow (goldenrod-dyed jersey cotton, cottoncandy colored fuzzy fabric, found purple fabric, thread) with patchwork-style blockletters reading “SIT TO ACTIVATE”
harmony (n.)
1. complimentary connection across distance often involving simultaneous expression
2. a pleasing arrangement of opposing, contrasting, or complimentary parts
3. a pleasing or further-developed whole made up of varying parts, ideas, feelings, or actions
activate (v.)
1. to make active or more active; to set into motion
2. the action or process of making something start or making it start working/operating
fuzzy poses on the ‘harmony point’ pillow of the Duality DIamond during the Relationspace group art show & experience 10/22/23