Fuzzy Dreamsheet : 5 stage dream access environment

. . . a portal to your dreamscape . . .

Dreamsheet is a quick recall environment that i use to connect back to the whispy realms of a sleeping dreamscape (as opposed to a waking dreamscape which i also explore in my practice). In my experience at the threshold of waking the impressions and felt sense of the dream is strong. Then the second i get into details of a part of the dream the rest of the environment evaporates. Sometimes i can call it back with focus especially if i dont open my eyes. I noticed a theme of what makes the dream feel distant is when my conscious or rational mind is activated. Opening my eyes and taking in visual sensory information or trying to translate to cohesive descriptive sentences shifts my state of consciousness putting distance between me and the dream.

Dreamsheet is a structure to hold several sensorial and environmental portals back to the dreamscape. The different angles and anchors can form a bridge or shortcut back to the consciousness of that dream - a sort of essence that can be revisited. It connects the body and mind to felt sense, impressions, and noticings in that hazy threshold moment just after waking.

Dreamsheet is spatially oriented which helps bridge the information from that realm to this. Once you’re familiar with the steps and layout you might use this method in list form to equal effect depending on how you best engage with info.

The layout is simple enuf that you could scribble out on a few pages in a journal to keep next to your sleeping spot for easy access in the waking threshold. I also invite you to try writing with your eyes closed or barely open to see if you have an easier time maintaining the connection.

printable pdf versions are linked below

happy dreamdiving ,
